Aviation Business Consultant proudly offer ONE WINDOW SHOP for there valuable clients, where they can find all the details for ‘The United Insurance of Pakistan‘ Products and documents.

Riot and Strike Damage
This policy provides coverage against loss or damage caused due to riot & strike or civil commotion or malicious damage due to any persons who are members of an organization whose aim is to over-throw any legal or defacto Government by terrorism or violence.

Allied Perils
This is the most important and basic form of insurance and is essential for all types of business concerns. Fire and Allied Perils Insurance provides comprehensive cover in respect of loss of or damage to your property against fire and lightning. To further safeguard the interest of our valued clients the policy can be extended to cover riot and strike damage, malicious damage, atmospheric disturbance, earthquake (fire and shock), explosion, impact damage, aircraft damage etc.

Home Insurance Plan
To live in one’s own home is cherished by every one of us. In these tough times, it is very hard to retain a house, which is exposed to several risks such as riot and strike damage, malicious damage, atmospheric disturbance, earthquake (fire and shock), explosion, impact damage and aircraft damage. The United Insurance provides a policy to cover the interest of homeowners. The plan provides coverage on building as well as contents against the risks the property may be exposed to. The coverage for buildings includes the risks of fire and all dry/wet perils. Contents (including jewellery and cash) are similarly covered including the risks of burglary and dacoity.

Besides material damage, UIC’s Home Insurance also provides for loss or rent, legal liability to public and domestic servants.

Hotel Owner All Risk
As the name of policy signifies, it is specially designed to cater to all the insurance needs of a hotel owner. This policy has been adapted from the wording prevalent in international markets, as such coverage provided by it meets the requirements of management agreements, which owners usually enter with international chains of hotels. This policy is divided into 8 sections covering fire and supplemental Perils Insurance. Business interruption following Fire and Supplemental Perils, Comprehensive Plate Glass Insurance, Boiler and Machinery Breakdown Insurance, Business Interruption following Machinery Breakdown, Comprehensive General Liability, Comprehensive 3D Bond Insurance and Workmen’s Compensation Insurance.

Terrorism Cover
We live in an altogether different world after September 11, 2001. Post 9/11 scenario resulted in removal of terrorism cover globally, leaving the insured and the insurer at a difficult juncture. We, at The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Ltd. created niche for our valued clients by designing a policy exclusively for the risk of Terrorism. This policy is issued in conjunction with Fire and Allied Perils Policy protecting the interest of insured up to a specified limit.

Marine Cargo

Marine Cargo insurance protects all goods while in transit depending upon the needs of client. Three broad types of cover are available i.e. Institute Cargo Clauses “A”, “B” & “C”. The cover takes care of risks associated with different modes of transportation.

Marine Hull Insurance

This cover is available for ocean going vessels, barges, tugs, dredgers, fishing trawlers, yachts, wooden dhows, pleasure/speed boats etc., under Institute Time Clauses Hulls. Cover is also provided for last breakup voyages from Karachi anchorage to Gadani.

Auto Sure Plan – Auto Insurance with free Tracker

Risks Covered:

  • Accidental External means.
  • Riots, Strikes & Malicious Damages
  • Theft.
  • Fire, External explosion, self-ignition or lightning or frost.
  • Third Party Liability.

Value Added Features:

  • Free towing to the nearest workshop.
  • Get your car repaired from the workshop of your own choice.
  • UIC claims experts will help in getting the final police Investigation Report.
  • Free PA/PTD covers of Rs.30,000/- to the deceased paid driver. (In case of insured car accident only).
  • Free death repatriation of the driver within Pakistan.
  • Funeral expenses & arrangements for the said person will be borne by UIC.
  • No hidden taxes & charges.
  • We commit to settle all theft and total loss Claims within 30 days after reporting/submission of requisite documents.

Overview – Taking all health worries off you

  • Comprehensive branded scheme offering value added features and complete solution for all health worries.
  • A vital tool in hassle free delivery of health care services; we will be there when you need someone to help.
  • Off setting huge medical expenses that have large bearing on health and its maintenance.
  • Well conceived and customized plan uniquely designed to address all health exigencies requiring hospitalization.
  • Among very few national companies to cover around the world with direct settlement of medical expenses worth Rs 2.3 million abroad.
  • Fulfills all requirements envisioned in government policy of healthcare for all.
  • Insurance arrangements with world’s top re insurers.


  • Curtails administrative and financial burden of the employer.
  • Because of branding we offer more than the market.
  • Employer wins loyalty of the employees thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity …motivating to work more proactively.
  • Extensive nationwide branch network of over 95 branches; almost every reputable hospital is on our panel in every town.

Who is “Covered”

  • Corporate sector employees up to the age of 65.
  • Special modules are designed to cover dependent parents.
  • Age of daughter can be relaxed up to her marriage.
  • Age of son can be relaxed up to till 25.

What is “Covered” – OPD Benefits

  1. G P and Specialist Consultation fees.
  2. Prescribed medicines.
  3. Laboratory and other Investigations. (e.g. X-Rays, ECGS & Ultrasound etc).
  4. Dental care benefits.
  5. Besides doctors, Consultations with registered Hakims and Practicing alternative medicine specialist is also admissible.

What is “Covered” – Hospitalization

  1. Hospital Expenses Per Person Per Confinement Per Ailment. (Pregnancy & Dreaded Diseases excluded ).
  2. Room Rent, Nursing expenses.
  3. Hospital Expenses includes Surgical expenses, Anesthesia.
  4. O.T. Charges, Consultation Fee, Nursing Charges etc.
  5. Investigation and Medicines, Blood, Oxygen Supplies, Dialyses Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy cost of pacemakers ( subject to Hospitalization Unit).
  6. Miscellaneous Expenses Pre & post hospitalization expenses.

Note: 24 Hrs. In-Patient confinement as a resident Patient is compulsory.

What is “Covered” – Specialized Investigation
Specialized investigation on outpatient basis on recommendation of a specialist only, which does not require hospitalization.

These include the following tests only:

  1. CAT-SCAN.
  2. MRI

What is “Covered” – Dreaded Diseases

  1. Management of acute Myocardial infarction (Heart Attack)
  2. By-pass grafting
  3. Cancer
  4. CVA- Stroke
  5. Kidney Failure
  6. Renal and other major organ transplants
  7. Major burns
  8. AIDS
  9. Knee joint replacement
  10. Chemotherapy
  11. Multiple Fractures
  12. Hip bone Replacement

What is “Covered” – Dental Cover

Following are the benefits under ‘Dental Care’ cover.

  • Dental care is included in the prescribed OPD (Per family).
  • Dental Care include consultation and medicine, treatment of acute dental conditions and diseases of gums.
  • All orthodontic procedures, making & placement of prosthesis (e.g. dentures), scaling & polishing are excluded.
  • Total payable cumulative dental bills should not exceed 40% of the total OPD limit (per family).

What is “Covered” – Maternity Benefit

  • Gynaecologist fee
  • Anaesthetic fee
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Miscarriage
  • Medicines
  • Baby’s Nursing Care
  • Labour Room charges
  • Operation Theater charges etc.

Value added features

  • Dreaded diseases.
  • (Cancer, Heart Attack, Kidney Failure, Stroke, Cirrhosis, of Liver, AIDS – due to blood transfusion).
  • Pre & Post hospitalization benefits – Any expenses incurred on medical consultation or tests within 15 days prior to or after Hospitalization would also be covered.
  • Death repatriation within Pakistan.
  • Funeral expenses and arrangements.
  • Service at your doorstep with elaborate network of 105 branches.
  • Win-win-win position —- employee-employer & company.

Claim Settlement Procedure

  • All claims are filed on a simple easy to fill Performa by the employee duly endorsed by the employer or nominee.
  • Original prescription bills, receipt etc should be attached.
  • Direct settlement of claims with panel hospital.
  • All claims should be filed within four (4) weeks.

» List of Panel Hospitals


Value Added Features

  • Transparent refund policy.
  • Age limit – 85 years. (Travellers up to 65 years of age are eligible without additional premium).
  • Direct settlement of medical claims abroad.
  • Loss of baggage & passport, flight delay & personal liability cover.
  • Free 24 hour medico-legal & language assistance.
  • Emergency dental cover.

Let “A+“ rated national insurer provide you

  • Maximum coverage in lesser price.
  • Services without any hidden charges & taxes etc.
  • Support of European companies for Re-insurance & Assistance Services.
  • Transparent premium refund policy.
  • Service at your doorstep with nation wide network of 100+ branches.


  • Family coverage will include insured, spouse and 3 children from 6 months to 18 years of age.
  • 100% of medical expense limit for each family member.
  • 50% of accidental death and permanent total disability limit for the spouse and 25% of the same for children.
  • Endorsement is possible before the effective date.
  • Please see the policy for a complete description of its scope and limitations of coverage.
Coverage for Travel Insurance
Coverage for Travel Insurance
Schedule of Benefits Schengen Countries Rest of the World
(Excluding USA, Canada & Australia)
Diamond Gold Silver Standard Platinum Gold Plus
Medical Expenses & Hospitalization Abroad 50,000
(Excess $ 50)
50,000 (Excess $ 50) 25,000
(Excess $ 50)
(Excess $ 50)
100,000 (Excess $ 50) 50,000 (Excess $ 50)
Transportation or Repatriation in case of Illness or Accident Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Repatriation of Medical Remains Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Emergency Dental Care 600 600 600 600 600 600
Repatriation of Family Member Travelling with the Insured Actual Expenses Actual Expenses N/A N/A Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Travel of One Immediate Family Member 100/Day – Max 1,000 100/Day – Max 1,000 N/A N/A 100/Day – Max 1,000 100/Day – Max 1,000
Delivery of Medicines Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses ActualExpenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Relay of Urgent Messages Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Long Distance Medical Informatin Service Unlimited Unlimited N/A Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Medical Referral / Appointment of Local Medical Specialist Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Connections Services N/A N/A N/A N/A Unlimited N/A
Lost of Credit Card 500 300 200 200 2000 300
Delayed Departure 500 300 200 200 1000 300
Loss of Passport 500 200 150 100 500 300
Compensation for In-Flight Loss of Checked in Baggage 500 400 400 300 1000 400
Accidental Death (During Travel using recognize means of Transport, Planes, Trains, Public Buses, Taxies etc. 15,000 10,000 8,000 5,000 25,000 10,000
Premium for Travel Insurance
Premium for Travel Insurance
Duration Schengen Countries Rest of the World
(Excluding USA, Canada & Australia)
$ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 100,000 $ 50,000
7 Days 2,700 4,200 1,500 2,550 1,400 2,400 500 800 4,500 9,000 2,200 4,400
10 Days 3,050 4,500 1,900 3,000 1,750 2,950 600 900 5,200 10,400 2,750 5,500
15 Days 3,500 5,300 2,200 3,400 2,150 3,300 700 1,000 6,500 13,000 3,350 6,700
21 Days 4,200 6,100 2,500 4,000 2,600 4,375 1,100 1,400 7,500 15,000 4,050 8,100
31 Days 5,200 7,300 3,000 4,800 3,250 5,700 1,250 1,700 9,200 18,400 5,375 10,750
62 Days 8,250 12,000 4,550 8,000 4,400 8,800 2,200 3,100 14,300 28,600 6,800 14,500
92 Days 10,000 15,500 5,300 10,000 5,700 10,500 2,875 5,200 16,500 33,000 9,800 18,000
180 Days 13,500 20,100 7,500 12,000 7,700 14,750 4,800 10,000 23,000 46,000 14,500 22,000
365 Days 19,500 30,500 11,500 18,000 11,900 27,500 6,525 11,000 35,000 70,000 18,500 28,000
2 Years 23,000 38,000 30,000 45,000
For person aged between 66 and 75 years, increase 50%
For person aged between 76 and 80 years, increase 75%
For person aged between 81 and 85 years, increase 100%Family Size: Husband + Wife + 3 Children (Less than 18 years)

Financial protection against natural disasters, fire & lightening and insect / pets attack on standing crop.


  • Project his source of credit and debit carrying capacity.
  • Low premium rates.

Lender (Bank)
Protected against default when crops fail.

Selling and administration cost is greatly reduced due to larger business volume / turnover.

Mandatory for all borrower farmers.

Crops Covered
All field Crops.

Types of Cover

The consortium provides two types of cover:

  1. Catastrophe Area Loss Cover (CALC)
  2. Catastrophe Individual Loss Cover (CILC)

Note: CILC will be determined in conjunction with CALC.

Perils Covered
Excessive rain, floods, drought, hailstorm, cyclones, insect/pets attack,Frost, wind storm and fire & lightening.

Period Covered
From sowing/transplanting till harvest i.e. standing crop.

Sum Insured
Amount of inputs or the outstanding amount of loan including mark-up.
(Upto the amount shown on the Crop Policy).


The Indemnity shall become payable provided:

  • The insured crops situated in an area declared as “Calamity affected” by the government and
    the damage to the crop was due to any of the insured perils.
  • The declaration is notified in the Gazette.
  • The Insured farmer is exempted from the ushr / land revenue, etc as a result of such
  • The name of the farmer and the insured crop has been enterd in the USHR / LAND REVENUE
    Khasra Gardawari.


  • Identified crop losses upto 25% will not be claimed.
  • Losses from 25% – 50% will be compensated as 50% of the outstanding loan.
  • Losses >50% or yield loss up to 75% will be compensated as 100% of the outstanding loan.

Reference Yield
Reference Yield means the average yield (kg/Acer or kg/hectare) of the insured crop of same variety for the last three years (excluding any abnormal year) for the smallest of union council, tehsil or district for which the official yield records are available with Agri / Revenue Department.

Procedure of Payment of Premium

  • Compulsory for all borrowers.
  • The Bank will provide all possible details on specified proposal form along with Demand Draft to the Insurance Company.
  • The Bank Manager is required to issue undertaking incase of delay in payment of
    premium for New/Renewal cases.
  • The Bank Manager may take signature of the borrower on respective Iqrar Nama on
    disbursement of loan.

Particulars required for Crop Policy:

  • Number(s) and date(s) of the Pay Order, Demand Draft(s).
  • Branch Name & Code.
  • Name(s) of the Borrower(s).
  • Father’s Name of the Borrower(s).
  • Complete Address.
  • Photocopies of the CNIC(s) or CNIC Number.
  • Loan Account Number & Financed Amount.
  • Date when loan Granted.

Particulars required for renewal

  • Previous Policy Number.
  • Original Date when Loan Granted.
  • Change in address of the Borrower / Bank, if any.

Issuance of Policy

The Insurance Company will issue policy subject to:

  • Receipt of complete information.
  • Payment of premium.
  • The Crops Policy will be valid from sowing/transplanting till harvest.

Procedure of Settlement of Claim

  1. Intimation letter within 72 hours.
  2. Attested copy the Gazette notification by the Government.
  3. The Ushr/Land revenue Jamabandi / Girdawari at the village/teh/chak level showing the Farmer’s name & Crop.
  4. Copy of field map (Shajra Kishtwari / Aks Shajra).
  5. Copy of Insurance Policy and CNIC.
  6. Attested computerized Loan statement.
  7. Attested copy of the application &/or agreement between the borrower & the Bank.
  8. Outstanding Bank Balance certificate at the time of calamity.
  9. Any other documents to establish the incident attracting the loss.
  10. Surveyor’s assessment report.

Payment of Crop Catastrophe Claim
All payments of claims will be made to THE BANK on the basis of final assessment and as per the terms and conditions of the Policy.

Insurance Company will pay to the Bank outstanding loan including upto date accrued mark-up (up to the amount shown on the Insurance Certificate)

Proposal Form

Financial protection against mortality, theft & disability of the insured animals including the risk of calving.

Importance of Livestock Industry

  • Contributes approximately 12% to National GDP.
  • Provides important dietary products like milk, meat and processed dairy items.
  • Provides hides and skins for the leather industry.
  • Has the potential of repaid growth and fast economic returns.


  • Proper awareness & care of livestock.
  • Financial assistance in case of death of livestock.
  • Increase in profit due to healthy livestock.
  • Proper guidance & supports in case of livestock’s sickness.
  • Provision & use of modern method of care taking of livestock.

Mandatory for all farmers receiving livestock loan from the bank

Livestock Covered
All livestock for which the bank is advancing loan to its borrowers.

Perils Covered
Mortality due to natural perils, fire, theft, poisoning, diseases and risk of calving.

The comprehensive coverage is extended upto 80% indemnity .i.e insured shall bear 20% of loss and cost of skin of dead animal.

Payment of Premium

  • Mandatory for all livestock advances.
  • The Bank will provide all possible details on specified proposal form along with Demand Draft to the Insurance Company.
  • The Bank Manager is required to issue undertaking incase of delay in payment of Premium for New/Renewal cases.
  • The Bank Manager may take signature of the borrower on respective Iqrar Nama on disbursement of loan.

Issuance of Policy
The Insurance Company will issue policy subject to:

  • Receipt of complete information.
  • Payment of premium.
  • VA will visit the site for tagging and verification on the basis of the information provided by the bank manager,
  • If TAG /Ring got drop, broken or misplaced, the borrower should immediately inform to the company as well as the bank branch in order for VA to retag the animal.
  • The livestock policy will be valid for one year.

Settlement of Claim in case of Sickness
Immediately contact the local Veterinarian Clinic for all possible treatment.

  • Take certificates of treatment.
  • Inform the company & the bank accordingly.

Settlement of Claim in case of Death

  • Intimation letter in writing within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Claim form.
  • Attested photocopy of NIC card of Owner/Borrower.
  • Veterinary certificate.
  • Postmortem examination report.
  • VA will take 4 photographs clarifying the tag number & cut the tag.
  • The skin amount will be deducted from the claim
    as per policy terms & conditions. Animal skin will not be removed in case of deceases like anthrax. The borrower should take the following steps:

    1. 4 photographs clearly showing the tag number & cut the tag.
    2. The dead animal may be deeply buried.
    3. The cost will be reimbursed to the insured.

Payment of Claim

  • Acceptance letter.
  • Loss voucher.
  • Claim form.
  • Surveyor’s assessment report.
  • Any other relevant documents.

After receiving the above documents from the bank & surveyor, the company will issue the claim cheque within a week but not later than 10 days.

Proposal Form

For further information!!

Call us or drop a message. Our agents will be in touch shortly.

(+92) (091) 525-3196